

Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China

(1982年8月23日第五届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议通过 根据1993年2月22日第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国商标法〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2001年10月27日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国商标法〉的决定》第二次修正 根据2013年8月30日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国商标法〉的决定》第三次修正)

( Adopted at the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People‘s Congress on August 23, 1982, as amended according to the“Decision on the Revision of the Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China”adopted at the 30th Session of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People’s Congress on February 22, 1993, and  the“Decision on the Revision of the Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China”adopted at the 24th Session of  the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s’Congress on October 27 2001, and amended for the third time according to the“Decision on the Revision of the Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China”adopted at the 4th Session of  the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People’s’Congress on August 30, 2013 )

目 录

Table of Contents

第一章 总 则

Chapter 1 General Provisions

第二章 商标注册的申请

Chapter 2 Application for Trademark Registration

第三章 商标注册的审查和核准

Chapter 3 Examination and Approval of Trademark Application

第四章 注册商标的续展、变更、转让和使用许可

Chapter 4 Renewal, Assignment, and Licensing of Trademark Registrations

第五章 注册商标的无效宣告

Chapter 5 Adjudication of disputes Concerning Registered Trademarks

第六章 商标使用的管理

Chapter 6 Administration of the Use of Trademarks

第七章 注册商标专用权的保护

Chapter 7 Protection of the Exclusive Rights to Use Registered Trademarks

第八章 附 则

Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions


第一章 总则

Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一条 为了加强商标管理,保护商标专用权,促使生产、经营者保证商品和服务质量,维护商标信誉,以保障消费者和生产、经营者的利益,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,特制定本法。

Article 1. This Law is enacted for the purposes of improving the administration of trademarks, protecting the exclusive right to use a trademark, and encouraging producers to guarantee the quality of their goods and maintain the reputation of their trademarks, with a view towards protecting consumers’ interests and promoting the development of a socialist market economy.

第二条 国务院工商行政管理部门商标局主管全国商标注册和管理的工作。

Article 2. The Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce under the State Council shall be responsible for the registration and administration of trademarks throughout the country.


Industrial and commercial administrative department of the State Council set up TRAB, responsible for handling trademark disputes.

第三条 经商标局核准注册的商标为注册商标,包括商品商标、服务商标和集体商标、证明商标;商标注册人享有商标专用权,受法律保护。

Article 3. A registered trademark means a trademark that has been approved and registered by the Trademark Office. A trademark registrant shall enjoy an exclusive right to use the trademark, which shall be protected by law.


For the purposes of this law, a collective mark is a mark registered in the name of a group, association, or any other organization and used by its members to indicate membership.


For the purposes of this law, a certification mark is a mark which is owned by an organization that exercises supervision over a particular product or service and which is used to indicate that third-party goods or services meet certain standards pertaining to place of origin, raw materials, mode of manufacture, quality, or other characteristics.


Particulars pertaining to the registration and administration of collective marks and certification marks shall be formulated by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce under the State Council.

第四条 自然人、法人或者其他组织在生产经营活动中,对其商品或者服务需要取得商标专用权的,应当向商标局申请商标注册。

Article 4. Any natural person, legal person, or other organization desirous of acquiring the exclusive right to use a trademark for the goods produced, or services and activities offered by it or him shall file an application for the registration of the goods or service mark with the Trademark Office.


The provisions in this law concerning goods trademarks shall apply to service marks.

第五条 两个以上的自然人、法人或者其他组织可以共同向商标局申请注册同一商标,共同享有和行使该商标专用权。

Article 5. Two or more natural persons, legal persons, or other organizations may jointly file an application for the registration of a trademark and jointly enjoy and exercise an exclusive right to use the mark.

第六条 法律、行政法规规定必须使用注册商标的商品,必须申请商标注册,未经核准注册的,不得在市场销售。

Article 6. For goods that must be used in connection with a registered trademark as prescribed by the laws and administrative regulations, a trademark registration must be applied for. Where no trademark registration has been granted, such goods cannot be sold on the market.

第七条 申请注册和使用商标,应当遵循诚实信用原则。

Article 7. Any application or usage of a trademark shall abide by principles of good faith.


Any user of a trademark shall be responsible for the quality of the goods in connection with which the trademark is used. The administrative authorities for industry and commerce at all levels shall exercise supervision over the quality of the goods and shall prohibit any practice that defrauds the consumer.

第八条 任何能够将自然人、法人或者其他组织的商品与他人的商品区别开的标志,包括文字、图形、字母、数字、三维标志、颜色组合和声音等,以及上述要素的组合,均可以作为商标申请注册。

Article 8. An application may be made to register as a trademark any mark, including any word, device, any letter of the alphabet, any number, three-dimensional symbol, colour combination and sound, or any combination thereof, that identifies and distinguishes the goods of a natural person, legal person, or other organization from those of others.

第九条 申请注册的商标,应当有显著特征,便于识别,并不得与他人在先取得的合法权利相冲突。

Article 9. A trademark seeking registration shall be so distinctive as to be distinguishable and shall not infringe upon the prior legitimate rights of others.


A trademark registrant shall have the right to display the wording “Registered Trademark” or a sign indicating that it is registered.

第十条 下列标志不得作为商标使用:

Article 10. The following words or devices shall not be used as trademarks:


1) Those identical with or similar to the State name, national flag, national emblem, national anthem, military flag, army emblem, military song, or decorations of the People’s Republic of China; those identical with a State Organ’s name, symbol, or the names  of the specific locations that are seats of central state organs; or those identical with the names or designs of landmark buildings;


2) Those identical with or similar to the state names, national flags, national emblems or military flags of foreign countries, except with the permission of the government of the country involved;


3) Those identical with or similar to the flags, emblems, names or others of international inter-governmental organizations, except with the permission of the organization concerned or where no likelihood of public confusion exists;


4) Those identical with or similar to an official mark or inspection seal that indicates control and guarantee, except where authorized;


5) Those identical with or similar to the symbols or names of the Red Cross or the Red Crescent;


6) Those that discriminate against any nationality;


7) Those in the nature of fraud in advertising that easily confuses the public with the quality or other characteristics or origins of the goods, or the place of origin of the goods;


8) Those detrimental to socialist morals or customs, or having other unhealthy influences.


The geographical names of administrative divisions at or above the county level and foreign geographical names well-known to the public shall not be used as trademarks, except for geographical names that have other meaning or constitute part of a collective mark or certification mark. Registered trademarks that use geographical names shall continue to be valid.

第十一条 下列标志不得作为商标注册:

Article 11. The following marks are not permitted to be registered as a trademark:


1) Names, devices, or designs that are generic to a class or group of goods;


2) Marks that merely indicate the quality, principal raw materials, function, use, weight, quantity or other features of the goods in respect of which the marks are used;


3) Other marks that lack distinctive characteristics.


A mark to which the above provisions are applicable but which has acquired distinctiveness through use and is readily distinguishable may be registrable as a trademark.

第十二条 以三维标志申请注册商标的,仅由商品自身的性质产生的形状、为获得技术效果而需有的商品形状或者使商品具有实质性价值的形状,不得注册。

Article 12. Registration shall be refused where a three-dimensional design merely indicates the shape inherent in the nature of the goods concerned. Registration also shall be refused where a three-dimensional design is only dictated by the need to achieve technical effects or the need to give the goods substantive value.

第十三条 为相关公众所熟知的商标,持有人认为其权利受到侵害时,可以依照本法规定请求驰名商标保护。

Article 13. Should any rights of a trademark well known to the relevant public be infringed, the trademark holder can follow the relevant provisions in this law to request the protection of the said famous trademark.


Where a mark is a reproduction, imitation, or translation of a third-party’s famous trademark which has not been registered in China and where the goods are identical or similar, which may cause public confusion and damage the interests of the registrant of the famous mark, no registration shall be granted and the use of the mark shall be prohibited.


Where a mark is a reproduction, imitation, or translation of a third-party’s famous trademark which has been registered in China and where the goods are not identical or dissimilar, which may mislead the public and cause injury to the interests of the registrant of the famous trademark, no registration shall be granted and the use of the mark shall be prohibited.

第十四条 驰名商标应当根据当事人的请求,作为处理涉及商标案件需要认定的事实进行认定。认定驰名商标应当考虑下列因素:

Article 14. A famous trademark, based on the parties’ request, can be defined when the facts in each case dealing with the relevant trademark support such a conclusion. The following factors shall be considered in making such a determination:


1) The degree of public recognition of the mark in its trading areas;


2) how long the mark has been in use;


3) the duration and extent of advertising and publicity of the mark, and the geographical extent of the trading areas in which the mark is used;


4) the protection of the mark as a famous trademark;


5) Other reasons for the fame of the trademark.


In examining a trademark registration and in the course of investigating cases involving illegal use of trademarks handled down by the authorities for industry and commerce may, upon a claim filed by the parties involved in accordance with Article 13 of this law, the Trademark Office may make a determination as to whether a trademark is a famous trademark.


In the process of handling a trademark dispute, the parties may, in accordance with Article 13 of this law,make such claims in regard to whether a trademark is famous; The Trademark Review and Adjudication Board may, in accordance with the needs of a specific case, make a determination as to whether a trademark is famous.


In the course of hearing civil and administrative trademark cases, the parties involved may claim rights according to the provisions of Article 13 of this Law, and according to the specific circumstances and needs of each case, the Supreme Court-appointed People’s Courts may make a determination, based on the specific circumstances and needs of each case, as to whether a mark is famous.


A producer or operator shall not use the words “Famous Trademark” on its goods, packaging, or container, or in its advertising, exhibitions or other commercial activities.

第十五条 未经授权,代理人或者代表人以自己的名义将被代理人或者被代表人的商标进行注册,被代理人或者被代表人提出异议的,不予注册并禁止使用。

Article 15. Where an agent or representative, without the authorization of the principal, seeks to register in the agent’s name the principal’s trademark and where the principal objects, registration shall be refused and the use of the mark shall be prohibited.


Where a trademark used on an identical or similar product that is considered for registration and that is the same or similar to a prior user of an unregistered trademark, the registrant, where no prior contractual agreement or business relationship exists between the registrant and prior user, may not register its trademark where the prior user’s mark is clearly in use and an opposition to the trademark’s registration has been filed.

第十六条 商标中有商品的地理标志,而该商品并非来源于该标志所标示的地区,误导公众的,不予注册并禁止使用;但是,已经善意取得注册的继续有效。

Article 16. Where a trademark includes a geographical sign that does not describe the location or the origin of the goods in question, the term causes confusion among members of the public and shall be refused registration. Its use as a trademark also shall be prohibited. However, where a registration has been obtained in goodwill, such registration shall continue to be valid.


The geographical sign referred to in the above paragraph means that it is the place of orign on the goods at issue and that the special qualities, reputation or other characteristics of the goods are primarily determined by the natural conditions or other humanistic conditions of the geographical location involved.

第十七条 外国人或者外国企业在中国申请商标注册的,应当按其所属国和中华人民共和国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约办理,或者按对等原则办理。

Article 17. Any foreigner or foreign enterprise desirous of applying for the registration of a trademark in China shall file an application in accordance with any agreement concluded between the People’s Republic of China and country to which the applicant belongs, or according to the international treaty to which both countries are parties, or on the basis of the principle of reciprocity.

第十八条 申请商标注册或者办理其他商标事宜,可以自行办理,也可以委托依法设立的商标代理机构办理。

Article 18. An applicant may independently handle trademark registration other trademark matters, and may also authorize a legally established trademark agency to handle trademark matters.


Any foreigner of foreign enterprise desirous of applying for the registration of a trademark or processing any other trademark matters in China shall retain any of the organizations designated by the State to be his or its agent.

第十九条 商标代理机构应当遵循诚实信用原则,遵守法律、行政法规,按照被代理人的委托办理商标注册申请或者其他商标事宜;对在代理过程中知悉的被代理人的商业秘密,负有保密义务。

Article 19. A trademark agency shall abide by principles of good faith, abide by relevant laws and administrative regulations, and handle trademark registration and other trademark matters according to the instructions of its principals;

Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China.pdf

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